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I feel like a Mesopotamian farmer, trying to imagine his sons riding John Deeres. If you’re a Mesopotamian farmer, hitching his oxen to a plow, like…idk, man.

I wrote research papers without physical access to a library because I could read my college library’s books on my computer. I took a full semester of college from 5 hours away because I can virtually attend class through a pocket sized device that projects my image and voice into a shared virtual classroom where I can interact with my professor and other students. When my mom was in college, she just wouldn’t have been capable of predicting what college would be like for me. Like I’m thinking about how I am a college student and during the pandemic, work, education, and relationships have been almost totally dependent on a network of technology that literally did not exist when my parents were college students.

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But-and I cannot stress this enough-when my mom was born the Internet did not exist. People have always fondly reminisced about The Good Old Days and complained about Kids These Days, of course. Thinking about how in ancient times, at least people knew that the lives their children would lead would….

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